The Agency in Charge of Sunset Review Is the Sunset Advisory Commission

Agency of the Texas Legislature

Sunset Advisory Commission
Texas sunset advisory commission logo.png
Formation 1977
Type Legislative committee
Purpose Review of state agencies
Headquarters 1501 Due north. Congress Ave, 6th Flooring
Austin, Texas 78701

Region served

Country of Texas

Main organ

Commission of ten state legislators & 2 members of the public

The Dusk Advisory Commission is an agency of the Texas Legislature that evaluates land agencies and makes recommendations to the legislature on the need for, performance of, and improvements to agencies under review. The commission is headquartered in the Robert E. Johnson State Office Building in Austin.[one]

As of the 85th legislative session in 2017, the commission has abolished 85 state agencies. Of that full, 39 agencies were completely abolished and 46 had their functions transferred to existing or newly created agencies.[two] [three]

History [edit]

The commission was created in 1977 past enactment of the Texas Sunset Human activity (now codified as Chapter 325 of the Texas Government Lawmaking).

Limerick [edit]

The commission has 12 members: 10 legislators and two public members. The leader of each bedroom (the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives and the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, who presides over the Texas Senate) each appoint five legislators and i public member. The chair and vice-chair rotate annually betwixt the two chambers. The committee appoints a director who hires staff to carry out the agency'southward duties.

Duties [edit]

The Robert E. Johnson State Office Building houses the Sunset Informational Commission

Under the Sunset Act, every country agency (excluding universities, courts, agencies mandated nether the Texas Constitution, or those specifically exempted by other legislative activity) has a specific date on which information technology volition automatically be abolished unless the legislature passes a bill to proceed the agency. Agencies typically are reviewed every 12 years. During the 2009 legislative session, the session adjourned without the legislature continuing several agencies (among them the Texas Section of Transportation, the land's largest), thus requiring the governor to call a special session.

Sunset staff conducts an agency's review in the interim before the session when the agency's enabling act comes under legislative scrutiny. The agency prepares a self-evaluation written report for the commission. Sunset staff meets with the agency's leadership and staff as well as interest groups, regulated entities, and members of the public who are afflicted past the bureau. Staff also coordinates with other land oversight agencies, such equally the Country Auditor'due south Office and the Legislative Budget Board. Afterwards the staff publishes its report with recommendations to the commission, the commission holds a public hearing and takes public comments, then holds a second public meeting to make decisions well-nigh which recommendations to adopt, including any new proposals from other sources. The commission tin can recommend any of the post-obit:

  • Continue the agency equally is.
  • Go along the bureau with modifications (including moving functions from the agency to other agencies, moving functions from other agencies into it, and about ordinarily, making improvements to the effectiveness and efficiency of an agency'south functions.
  • Merge the bureau with some other agency.
  • Disband the agency and either transfer its functions to other agencies, or abolish them altogether.

If the commission recommends continuing the agency, it must provide draft legislation to extend the agency'south Dusk date and to make any other recommendations the commission adopted. The legislature must pass a bill in society to continue an bureau's existence and has complete freedom to improve or reject the commission'due south recommendations. Mostly, the bill will continue the bureau for 12 years (six biennial sessions), but this may exist shortened to equalize the number and size of agencies under review each biennium or to allow the committee and the legislature to review the status of significant actions taken regarding the agency. If an agency is abolished, the Sunset Act provides a 1-twelvemonth wind-downwardly period for the agency to conclude its operations.

The commission also performs limited reviews on agencies non subject to sunset at the discretion of the legislature and can recommend that the agency be abolished. In those cases the legislature must pass a beak to abolish the bureau without the incentive of an expiring Sunset date in the agency'due south enabling act.

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ "Contact Us." Sunset Advisory Commission. Retrieved on July 24, 2018.
  2. ^ Frequently Asked Questions
  3. ^ Agencies Subject to Dusk Review

References [edit]

Sunset In Texas [1]

External links [edit]

  • Official website


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